Business challenge:
- Client has many backlog of projects and unable to scope up the projects in time.
- Many projects are critical on quality of engineering and Manufacturing new drawings which need to be done very quick turnaround time.
- Client was doing some updates due to that he needs do change in drawings with quick turnaround time.
UFT came to show:
- With the high knowledgeable team in UFT, it had a very good understanding of time, UFT done the new drawings with fast response in delivery to achieve programs in time.
- UFT had multiple discussion and meeting with all departmental heads find out issues ,pain points for delay of projects and propose solutions.
- Client Management approved new the process to change in model Techniques and updated the manufacturing drawings in the Request for change authority.
Impact Delivered:
- Client has received complete new drawings with minimal efforts and Low monitoring.
UFT taken complete responsible of discussion ,understand , provide solution for the issues and make documents to follow for other teams , due to this Client did not have any burden for upcoming projects to hold or deliverables.